Before you buy a fence post driver, read this.

These days, ranchers and farmers are looking for smarter ways to build a fence. The back-breaking work of manually driving a fence post may have been fine when you were 18, but today you’ve got more important things to do with your time and your body.

Thankfully, there are excellent and affordable alternatives that can save you money and make the task of driving fence imminently more efficient, and dare we say, pleasant.

Below, we offer insight into five considerations to help you determine the right post driver for your needs.

1. Ease of use

The first question to ask when considering a post driver purchase is: Will this product increase my productivity? The old adage is just as true in ranching and farming as it is in other areas of business. Your time -- or paying for someone else’s time -- is money. If your current post driver solution requires multiple hands to operate or takes five hours of your time when it need only take one, then it’s time to consider a better solution.

Solution: To avoid unnecessary labor costs, look for a product that can be put to work easily and efficiency by a single person.

2. Portability

How big -- and how remote -- is your operation? Traditional fence post drivers tend to be heavy and hydraulic post drivers are bulky -- both of which may not be drawbacks if your property is small and easily accessible. Bigger operations, however, with remote locations or awkward access points will benefit from a lighter, more compact unit.

Solution: Consider your property size and accessibility when selecting a post driver. Larger, remote operations will benefit from a lighter, more portable driver.

3. Affordability

Is purchasing a modern post driver system worth it? Well, how much does back surgery cost? We’re kidding, sort of. It all comes down to a simple Return on Investment (ROI) calculation that takes into consideration labor costs, your health and your fencing needs. If your post driver needs are limited to a single use, renting might be the way to go. Any more frequent than that and you’re better off purchasing your own. Hydraulic post drivers can run thousands of dollars, while pneumatic, air-driven models range from $450-$2,500. Labor costs vary across the country, but generally speaking paying someone to drive 1,300 linear feet of fence post would run $6,000.

Solution: Consider your potential labor costs and fencing requirements (both size and frequency) when determining which type of post driver is most cost-effective for you.

4. Gas versus Air Powered

Gas and air-powered post drivers are both great solutions for farmers and ranchers looking to make the work of driving fence quicker, easier and more efficient. Like its name implies, gas-powered models require unleaded gasoline, which may be unpleasant for anyone who doesn’t enjoy inhaling gas fumes. They also tend to be double the cost of their air-powered counterparts. Air-powered models, while light and ideal for driving in hard-to-reach-places, require the assistance of an air compressor.

Solution: The difference between a gas and air-powered post driver comes down to cost and personal preference.

5. Maintenance

Look for a post driver that requires little maintenance. A good quality model will only require you to keep it clean and lubricated for years of optimal performance.

Solution: Read third-party product reviews (not just a manufacturer’s website) to see how a company’s post driver solution stands the test of time.

Man Saver by Rohrer Manufacturing

When it comes to buying a post driver, Rohrer Manufacturing has you covered. If you want to purchase an air-powered fence post driver, we have a variety of models to choose from. When you purchase a Man Saver from Rohrer Manufacturing, you can smile knowing that you are getting a revolutionary patented, American made, pneumatic air-powered fence post driver at an affordable price. When you want the best in a post driver, treat yourself to the best customer experience in the business with Rohrer Manufacturing.