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The Man Saver’s got your back!

21st Jan 2016

Save your back, time, and money use the Man Saver Post Driver


Let’s face it, most ranchers are like stubborn old mules when it comes to trying new ways of doing things. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” as the old saying goes. But what about your back? Is it already giving you pain? Are you hunched over after a long season of working the land, wishing you had a miracle tool to do the work for you?

We don’t promise miracles, but we will assure your back gets a break from beating fence posts into unforgiving, rocky soil. What we offer here at Rohrer Manufacturing is an air-powered dream-come-true for a farmer’s chronic back pain. Our Man Saver Post Driver ™ is no joke. It pounds posts wherever a hand driver will work, 80-85 strokes per minute. Don’t believe us? Watch the video.

Let’s talk early prevention. Years of manual post driving can take a serious toll on a rancher’s back. Adding the Man Saver to your tool shed is worth the investment:

$450 could be saving you $14,500 for back surgery later on down the road!

There’s no comparison on the market when it comes to our product. The Man Saver Post Driver™ is made in the USA, easy to use, and saves you a few precious daylight hours. We know there aren’t enough hours in the day to get your work done as it is!

Let us make believers out of you. We’ve been helping ranchers get the job done for 15 years and counting! See what our customers are saying about their Man Saver Post Drivers. Here is a comment on our Facebook page from one of our recent happy customers. He bought TWO!


Here’s a link to our most popular pneumatic fence post pounder. Do post driving the right way. And when you’re ready to trade in that back pain for a tool that actually works, we’re here for you!